Where do I start?

Accreditation vs Credentials

Getting accredited as a travel agent means that you have met certain standards and requirements set forth by an industry-recognized association. These requirements can include the completion of specific education or training programs, adherence to a code of ethics, licensure, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Credentials refer to unique identifiers provided by certain associations to confirm the active status of a travel advisor to clients, supplier partners, and other travel professionals. These are different from certifications earned by travel advisors, which showcase specific qualifications and demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and expertise in the travel industry.

Are credentials or accreditation required?

There are many ways to become a travel advisor. However, through accreditation and by earning industry credentials, travel agents will earn legitimacy, credibility, and recognition throughout the industry and with their clients. Accreditation proves that a travel advisor is serious about their career and has worked to earn their place in the industry.

Ready to get started?

Here is a list of some of the most well-known travel industry accreditation centers to help ease your search.

We recommend checking out each resource to find the one that is best suited to your needs! Some may require travel industry experience, some may have annual fees, and others may require bonds to stay active.

*Please note that TARC does not endorse or recommend any specific travel related resources. Each agency, advisor, supplier, and/or user must do their own research and make a decision to access/purchase resources based on their own findings. All sales are final. TARC does not own or manage many of the resources provided on our site, so please look into them before signing up or purchasing them. Keep in mind that you are accessing and using these resources at your own risk.